You ever notice why a Attorney excepts your case or tells you you don't have a case.
I'm getting to think they are on the same side.If it doesn't look good to them then they
don't want to take the time.
Same with doctors,If they have a problem they can't figure out,They give you some pills and tell you to call me.
Not all true there are very good Doctors and Lawyers .Problem is with the doctors its about money then cure for most Doctors.That goes for the Lawyers to if the money isn't there bye bye.
In our case it was a doctor mistake.Malpractice is the proper name.The Doctor makes it and he knows just what to do so a lawyer won't take the case.Not many lawyers will do anything unless the money is in there favor.
My wife was 25 years old and for years Doctors said she couldn't get Pregnant.We found this one Doctor who said he could get her pregnant.We got quite excited and were ready to try.
We made an appointment and went in.The Doctor came in and said he was going to inject some blue dye in her tube seeing she only had one tube.Then he will be able to see what was blocking the tube.After doing so he said there was some scar tissue blocking it.He scheduled a surgery to unblock it.It was three weeks from then.
So in the three week time she was given pills to make her start her menstrual period.
The day came and we went to the hospital.When we got there we told the nurse we needed to talk to the Doctor.He came out and we told him that she had been getting sick in the morning and her breast were tender.He replied it was just the butterflies because of the surgery.
So the surgery was going on.I waited for a little while and then the Doctor came out and said it went well,You hit the jack pot.I said what yep she's pregnant.We were so excited we didn't think of what just happened.